End the badger cull – it won’t stop bovine TB
Culling of badgers should not be even a part of the strategy to eliminate the scourge of bovine tuberculosis (bTB). Our government and...
Response to the 10 area limit Consultation
Since 2014, Devon Badger Group has been helping to protect badgers in Devon with a small but very committed and active membership which...
Response to the LRA consultation
Bovine TB: consultation on proposals to introduce licensed badger control to prevent the spread of bovine tuberculosis in the Low Risk...
Before It's Too Late For An Iconic Native Species
A staggering 5,555 badgers were killed in just 7 weeks during the second year of culling in Devon last year, this is nearly double the...
'Stop the mass slaughter of badgers in Devon'
Many people may not be aware that while we are enjoying the summer sunshine and school holidays Devon farmers and landowners are busy...
Badger Cull in Devon 2016
It is with a heavy heart that we bring you this news, this years figures have been released, 2871 badges were killed and 4 wounded and...