How To Help
Join the Devon Badger Group and learn more about badgers and what you can do to help from our group meetings and training. Information on joining can be found here.
Join the Badger Trust: www.badgertrust.org.uk
Ring the police immediately on 999 (emergencies) or 101 (non-emergencies) and the RSPCA on 0300 1234 999 if you see something suspicious near a badger sett. Please contact us too. Remember, badgers are protected by the law.
Write to your local MP and tell them to vote against the badger cull. Even if they are pro-cull, if they receive lots of letters and emails from their constituents saying they oppose the badger cull, it will make them think. Remember, they need votes to stay in power! You can find your local MP here: www.writetothem.com
Please report any sick, injured, orphaned or dead badgers to us using our free 24-hour Helpline on 07710 971988. This line is manned by a volunteer 24 hours a day, all year round. For injured or sick badgers, please call anytime. For non-urgent matters, please call in daytime hours. If the volunteer is unable to respond to your call immediately, please leave a message on the voicemail and your call will be returned as soon as possible. However, if your call is of an urgent nature and is diverted to voicemail, please call the RSPCA 24-hour hotline on 0300 1234 999.